About school

Polish language school Polish Up! Is located in Wrocław. Multicultural and inviting atmosphere of the city makes learning Polish even more pleasant and effective.

We are a team of young but experienced tutors of Polish, who constantly expand their knowledge and improve their teaching methods. Our classes are conducted in mini-groups or individually. Thanks to this learning Polish is suited to your needs and abilities.

But our school does not only provide Polish language courses. We also offer addtional classes – conversations, meetings, meeting Polish and Wrocław's culture!

Nasi lektorzy

Karolina Traczyk
Lektorka języka polskiego
Uczyłam polskiego jako obcego na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim, Politechnice Wrocławskiej, Łotewskiej Akademii Kultury w Rydze oraz Uniwersytecie Bolońskim. To moja pasja, a największą motywację daje mi satysfakcja moich studentów, kontakt z interesującymi ludźmi i możliwość własnego rozwoju.

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